Omkar Ghugarkar



Coming from Chemical Engineering, I have a deep passion for Python, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Web Development. I have worked on some Project in these fields. Currently, trying to gain more experience in ML by reading the literature and working on online Projects via Kaggle and other resources.

Coder & Web Developer.

Computer vision, Machine learning, Natural Language Processing and AI are my major fields of interest. My learning experience includes courses in machine learning, computer vision, web Development, relevant literature and hands - on projects.

  • Birthday: 7 August 2001
  • Website: Click here
  • Phone: +91 84465 39938
  • City: Pune, India
  • Age: 19
  • Degree: Undergraduate
  • Email:
  • Github: omkarghugarkar007


“The best yardstick for our progress is not other people, but ourselves. Am I better than I was yesterday? This is the only question worth asking. As long as you go to bed at night a better practitioner than the one who woke up that morning, you have succeeded. Your worth should have nothing to do with how your progress stacks up relative to another.”

HTML 70%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 45%
Python 70%
JAVA 35%
Machine Learning50%


“Credentials are like potential energy, the compliments of a name on paper, in documents, word of mouth, but faith is like kinetic energy, the motion and the force that which is witnessed. Hence in the end it is the faith rather than the credentials that really takes you places.”


Omkar Ghugarkar

Passionate about Deep learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and its application in autonomous systems.

  • Pune, Maharshtra, India
  • +91 84465 39938

Key Technical Project


2020 - Present

Innovation Cell, IIT Bombay

  • Working in a team of 24 to develop India’s first Level 5 self driving car, which is a fully Autonomous car customized for the Indian road and traffic conditions which includes efficiency to safety considerations
  • Programming the Autonomous Parking feature of the car using Inverse Perspective Mapping, Neural Network models such as YOlOv3, LinkNet and finalized the decision making procedure for the same

Face-Recognition with Liveliness Detection


Tinkers Laboratory, IIT Bombay

  • Created a face recognition system which detects face using Haarcascade classifiers, uses a transfer Learning model to check if the face is real or fake and recognizes the face using the Support Vector Machine algorithm
  • Implemented the transfer Learning version of CVPR 2015 paper FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering for generating the 128-D embedding which serves as an input to Support Vector Machine
  • Integrated system for 10 users which had an accuracy of 96 % on face recognition and 90% on liveliness detection

Smart Artificial System with Home Automation


Institue Technical Summer Project

  • Led a team of 4 to create a multi-feature, security-enabled Chatbot that controls electric appliances along with other features like general conversation using Natural Language Processing, news and weather report, jokes
  • Programmed the code for a chatbot in python using multiple libraries, deployed on Telegram platform for a large
  • Created a User-interactive website to facilitate house appliances-modification and live-tracking and added environment-friendly and energy-saving features such as the Green House Mode and the Night Mode

Summer of Science


Maths and Physic Club, IIT Bombay

  • Explored the field of Deep Learning and got acquainted with Neural Networks
  • Performed various small projects like creating Trigger word Detection Model, Image recognition for detecting a person is smiling or not,etc

Summer Undergraduate Research Project


Prof. Amber Jain,Department of Chemistry

  • Worked to understand the Collapse principle of Quantum Mechanics
  • Ideated on Various Thought Experiments to understand the various Therories of Quantum Mechanics

Autumn of Automation


Innovation cell, IIT Bombay

  • Created a Gazebo Simulation in which implemented Obstacle detection, Lane detection for master bot using lidars, cameras and integrated using ROS, Python, OpenCV and a slave bot tracking the master bot


Bachelor OF Technology

2019 - 2023

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai

  • Department Chemical Engineering
  • CPI (till sem 2) 8.76
  • Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a minor
    degree in Industrial Engineering and Operational Research

Position of Responsiblity

Member OF Investement Team

2019 - Present

Finance Club, IIT Bombay

  • Member of a team of 30+ individuals mentored by corporate leaders aiming to create a portfolio managed and run solely by students and as well as to provide IITB students with opportunities to learn investment
  • Contributed to the Information technology section of monthly magazine of club Finstreak
  • Studied and had discussion on various concepts of Finance by reading Books like The Intelligent Investor

Hospitality and PR Co-Ordinator

2020 - Present

Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay

  • Ideated the College Connect Program which develops a strong link between Mood Indigo and students all over India and planned various activities, competitions, quizzes for the Portal and developed the marking scheme
  • Appointing and coordinating with more than 1k+ College Ambassadors all across the country
  • Organizing weekly events and workshops to engage with 30k+ students from over 1000+ colleges

Technical Skills

  • Programming: C++, Python, MATLAB, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQLite
  • Software: AutoCad, SolidWorks, Arduino IDE , Git, LATEX
  • Frameworks: Bootstrap, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Robot Operating System (ROS), Gazebo

Scholastic Achievement

  • Secured District Rank 1 Maharashtra Talent Search Examination (MTSE)  ('17)
  • Awarded with Maharashtra State Govt. Scholarship for Secondary school education  ('14)
  • Receiptent of INSPIRE Scholarship offered by Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.  ('19)

Achievement and Extra-Curriculars


  • Competed in Digit Recognizer competition on Kaggle and obtained accuracy of 98.71%
  • Completed certified course on Neural Networks and Deep Learning from Coursera


  • Completed certified course on Financial Analysis from Udemey
  • Investing actively in stock listed at BSE and NSE and reading literature to gain more insight for the same


  • Completed an year long training in Lawn Tennis under National Sports Organization(NSO)
  • Represented school in Cricket at zonal level in 2015 with first place in district
  • Completed professional training to gain Red Belt first White Stripe Rank in Tae-kwon-Do


It's important to find what really suits who you are, because style isn't only what you wear, it's what you project.



IIT Bombay, Mumabi


+91 84465 39938