Project information

  • Guiding Authority: Instistue Technical Council, IIT Bombay
  • Guide: Snehlata
  • Project date: 2020
  • Project URL: SASHA

Smart Artificial System with Home Automation

The Internet of Things has been one of the hot current topics along with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. So combining ideas from all these fields, our plan is to make a ChatBot with personal assistance. Almost any function which involves interaction with a customer can be done by a Chatbot.

Our Project is to successfully make a chat bot which can be used for controlling home appliances such as lights, fans,AC etc and would be very efficient to add many devices further on. Along with this we were trying to make a chatbot which would be multi- functional and do various things other than Home Automation.

We also tried to add various features to bot which includes our bot being password protected, possibility of changing password, informs owners about password change via Email, create database of user, switch on/off various devices, replies appropriately if we say to on the fan if it is already on, logs the command into csv files. Later on we added extra features such as it can tell jokes, weather reports and current news(both in text and audio form).

The code for the Chatbot platform of S.A.S.H.A is more than 2200 lines written in Python Programming Language using various libraries such as the telegram, smtplib, csv, datetime, requests, newsapi, gtts and many more added.

Link to Main Documentation